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纳米TiO2胶体与改性淀粉双元体系的助留助滤效果 |
Retention and Drainage Effects of Nanosized TiO2 Colloids and Modified Starch Reinforcer Double-element Systems |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2012.12.003 |
关键词: 纳米TiO2 改性淀粉 纸张强度 助留助滤 DCS |
Key Words:nanosized TiO2 modified starch paper strength retention and drainage DCS |
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摘要点击次数: 5323 |
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摘要:利用动态滤水(DDJ)实验,通过细小纤维单程留着率和滤水时间对纳米TiO2胶体与改性淀粉双元体系的助留助滤效果进行考察。研究该双元体系复配对纸张强度的影响及对白水循环中溶解和胶体物质(DCS)的除去与控制。结果表明,与阳离子淀粉(CS)相比,两性淀粉(AmS)与纳米TiO2双元体系有更好的协同作用,当淀粉用量不同、纳米TiO2用量约为0.4%时,细小组分单程留着率可增加5~12个百分点;纳米TiO2对AmS有正面的影响;AmS与纳米TiO2胶体复配对DCS的去除效果明显。 |
Abstract:The retention and drainage effects of nanosized TiO2 colloids and modified starch reinforcer double-element systems were studied by using DDJ. The effects of the double-element systems on the paper strengthening and the removal and control of DCS were also evaluated by making handsheets with whitewater recycling. The results showed that when the dosage of nanosized TiO2 was about 0.4%, the first pass retention increased by 5%~12% on an average. Compared with cationic starch (CS), amphoteric starch (AmS) and nanosized TiO2 had better synergy. It was found that nanosized TiO2 had positive influence on amphoteric starch reinforcer and nanosized TiO2-AmS system had significant effect on the removing of DCS. |
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