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超效浅层离子气浮法在造纸废水深度处理中的应用 |
Application of High-efficient Shallow Air Flotation Process in Papermaking Wastewater Treatment |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2013.02.011 |
关键词: 造纸废水 深度处理 浅层气浮 气浮絮凝 达标排放 |
Key Words:papermaking wastewater deep processing shallow air flotation flocculation emission standard |
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摘要点击次数: 5554 |
全文下载次数: 2090 |
摘要:福建南纸在原有的3万t/d的废水处理设施上增加了超效浅层离子气浮法深度处理设施,该深度处理采用气浮絮凝法,利用浅层气浮处理并加入化学絮凝剂,使二沉池出水的CODCr从原来的300 mg/L以上降至90 mg/L以下,达到了GB3544—2008制浆造纸工业水污染物排放标准的要求。 |
Abstract:In order to meet the requirement of “pulp and paper industry water pollutant discharge regulation ” GB3544—2008, Nanping Paper constructed advanced treatment device based on the original 30,000 t/d effluent treatment facilities. The CODCr of recovery clarification effluent reduced from more than 300 mg/L to less than 90 mg/L after flocculation and high-efficient shallow air flotation; treatment. |
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