Simultaneous Determination of Phthalate Plasticizers in Coated Papers by Gas Chromatography-tandem
关键词:  涂布纸  邻苯二甲酸酯  气相色谱-串联质谱法  微波辅助萃取
Key Words:coated paper  phthalate  gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry  microwave-assisted extraction
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摘要:以丙酮为萃取溶剂,采用微波辅助萃取技术提取涂布纸中的邻苯二甲酸酯类增塑剂,提取产物进行气相色谱-串联质谱法(GC-MS)测定,从而建立了一种同时测定涂布纸中多种邻苯二甲酸酯类增塑剂的快速检测方法。该方法的精密度(RSD)均小于14%,加标平均回收率为83.6%~104.1%。在信噪比为10(S/N=10)的条件下,DINP、DIDP和DMPP的定量下限分别为0.2、0.2、0.1 mg/kg,其余各组分的定量下限均小于0.05 mg/kg。采用该方法对市售涂布纸进行测定,结果在部分涂布纸中检出多种邻苯二甲酸酯类增塑剂。
Abstract:Phthalate plasticizers in coated papers were microwave-assisted extracted using acetone as the extraction solvent, and then were analyzed by gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry(GC-MS). Therefore, an effective method was established to determine simultaneously the contents of phthalate plasticizers in coated papers. The relative standard deviation (RSD) of the proposed method was less than 14% while the average spike recoveries varied from 83.6% to 104.1%. The quantification limits (S/N=10) were 0.2, 0.2 and 0.1 mg/kg for DINP, DIDP and DMPP, respectively. The limits of quantification (S/N=10) were all less than 0.05 mg/kg for other phthalate plasticizers. The proposed method was successfully applied to the determination of phthalate plasticizers in coated papers and the results showed that various phthalate plasticizers existed in some commercial coated papers.
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