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电絮凝技术在棉浆黑液处理上的应用 |
Preliminary Study on the Application of Electrocoagulation Process in Cotton Pulping Black Liquor Treatment |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2013.04.004 |
关键词: 棉浆黑液 混凝 电絮凝 |
Key Words:cotton pulp black liquor coagulation electrocoagulation |
基金项目:基金项目:国家科技部国家十二五科技支撑项目(项目编号:2011BAC11B04)。 |
摘要点击次数: 5124 |
全文下载次数: 1989 |
摘要:分别采用电絮凝法、化学絮凝法和混凝-电絮凝复合工艺对棉浆稀黑液进行处理。结果表明,采用电絮凝法,当初始pH值为9.0、电流密度为150 A/m2、反应时间为90 min时,CODCr和色度的去除率分别达到64.0%和88.6%;初始棉浆稀黑液浓度和NaCl浓度对处理效果影响不大。采用化学絮凝法,当初始pH值为6.0、PAC用量为500 mg/L、CPAM用量为3 mg/L时,CODCr与色度的去除率分别能达到39.3%和78.2%。采用混凝-电絮凝复合工艺,在初始pH值为9.0、PAC用量为200 mg/L、电流密度为100 A/m2、反应时间为60 min时,CODCr和色度的去除率分别为64.4%和91.3%。 |
Abstract:The paper investigated the effect of electrocoagulation, chemical coagulation and the combined process on the removal of CODCr and color from the diluted cotton pulping black liquor. The results showed that when initial pH was 9.0, current density was 150 A/m2 and treatment time was 90 min, the removal rates of CODCr and color were 64.0% and 88.6% respectively by electrocoagulation method. Both initial wastewater consistency and NaCl consistency had little effect on the removal efficiency. When initial pH was 6, PAC dosage was 500 mg/L and PAM dosage was 3 mg/L, the removal rates of CODCr and color were 39.3% and 78.2% respectively by chemical coagulation method. When initial pH was 9.0, PAC dosage was 200 mg/L, current density was 100 A/m2 and treatment time was 60 min, the removal rates of CODCr and color were 64.4% and 91.3% respectively by the combined method. |
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