Influence of Starch-inorganic Salt Surface Sizing on the Application Properties of Corrugating Medium
关键词:  无机盐  表面施胶  环压指数  耐破指数
Key Words:inorganic salt  surface sizing  ring crush index  burst index
陈夫山 青岛科技大学化工学院山东青岛266042 
郑 刚 青岛科技大学化工学院山东青岛266042 
宋晓明 青岛科技大学化工学院山东青岛266042 
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摘要:主要研究了淀粉-无机盐表面施胶体系对瓦楞原纸应用性能的影响。用硝酸镁、氯化镁、硫酸镁取代部分玉米淀粉对瓦楞原纸进行表面施胶,探讨无机盐的添加对瓦楞原纸物理强度及其他性能的影响。结果表明,当淀粉与无机盐的用量比(质量比)为8∶2、施胶量为6 g/m2时,相对于瓦楞原纸,硝酸镁、氯化镁、硫酸镁替代部分淀粉施胶后纸样的横向环压指数分别增长了76.3%、80.0%、82.5%,纵向环压指数分别增长了74.7%、72.6%、80.9%,耐破指数分别增长了13.1%、14.3%、15.6%。在施胶液中添加接枝淀粉型表面施胶剂,纸张的Cobb值从140 g/m2降至30 g/m2左右,满足成纸的防潮性能要求。
Abstract:In this study, the influence of starch-inorganic salt surface sizing on the application properties of corrugating medium was investigated. A part of corn starch in corrugating medium surface sizing was replaced with magnesium nitrate, magnesium chloride or magnesium sulfate, the influence of addition of the inorganic salts on corrugating medium physical strength and other properties was discussed. The results showed that when the mass ratio of starch to inorganic salt was 8∶2, compared with the corrugating medium before surface sizing cross direction ring crush indexes increased by 76.3%, 80.0%, 82.5%, machine direction ring crush indexes increased by 74.7%, 72.6%, 80.9%, burst indexes increased by 13.1%, 14.3%, 15.6% when magnesium nitrate, magnesium chloride and magnesium sulfate were replaced a part of corn starch respectively. Adding grafted starch surface sizing agent, cobb value of paper dropped from 140 g/m2 to 30 g/m2, which met the requirements of moisture proof.
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