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P-RC APMP浆不同筛分级分的纤维特性和成纸性能 |
The Characteristics of Various Fiber Fractions of P-RC APMP |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2013.04.006 |
关键词: 杨木P-RC APMP 纤维级分 结合能力 物理强度 |
Key Words:poplar P-RC APMP fiber fraction bonding capacity physical strength performances |
基金项目:本课题得到天津市高等学校科技发展基金计划项目(项目编号:20110518)和天津科技大学科学研究基金项目(项目编号:20110107)的资助。 |
摘要点击次数: 5552 |
全文下载次数: 1780 |
摘要:以杨木P-RC APMP浆为实验对象,测定经Bauer-McNett纸浆纤维筛分仪筛分后各个级分纤维的含量、纤维特性(纤维形态、表面电荷、比容积和比表面积)、纤维间结合性能以及手抄片的物理强度性能。结果表明,P-RC APMP浆中纤维尺寸分布很不均匀,含有大量的细小纤维组分。随着筛分仪筛网目数的增加,筛分得到的纤维级分的纤维长度和粗度逐渐减小,纤维表面暴露的电荷量逐渐增加,纤维的比表面积逐渐变大,而纤维自身的强度逐渐降低,手抄片的强度性能和纤维间的结合能力逐渐增加。 |
Abstract:The poplar P-RC APMP was classified into various fiber fractions by Bauer-McNett Classifier, and the amounts of the fractions, fiber characteristics of the fractions (fiber morphology, surface charge and specific volume and surface area), bonding properties and physical strength properties of the handsheets made of various fiber fractions were studied. The results showed that the distribution of fiber size of P-RC APMP is quite non-uniform and the pulp contains high fines content. With the increase of the sieve meshes in Bauer-McNett Classifier, fiber length and coarseness of the fraction decrease, and the fibers have more surface charge, larger specific surface area, weaker fiber strength, better strength properties of handsheets and stronger inter-fiber bonding ability. |
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