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样品制备条件对卫生纸菌落总数检测影响的研究 |
Effects of Sample Preparation on the Detection of Colonies Number in Sanitary Tissue |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2013.04.008 |
关键词: 卫生纸 平板计数法 菌落总数 样品制备 |
Key Words:sanitary tissue plate counting total colony sample preparation |
基金项目:本课题得到国家自然科学基金(21076091)和国家质检总局科技计划(质量技术监督)项目(2011QK303)资助。 |
摘要点击次数: 5534 |
全文下载次数: 2007 |
摘要:考察了用平板计数法检测卫生纸菌落总数时,样品制备中的浆浓、制备基种类、制备方式及表面活性剂用量对检测结果的影响。结果表明,适宜的样品制备条件为:浆浓1%,采用TGEA培养基,打散杯打散,表面活性剂吐温-80用量10 μL/L,该制备条件更有利于微生物的生长,从而提高检测的准确性和灵敏度。 |
Abstract:This paper investigated the effects of the pulp consistency, the types of culture medium, the way of disintegration, and the addition amount of surfactant in sample preparation on the detection of colonies number in sanitary tissue by plate counting method. The result showed that the optimum conditions of sample preparation are as follows: 1% pulp consistency, using TGEA culture medium, using disintegrator jar for integrating sample, and in the presence of 10 μL/L tween-80, from which the sensitivity and precision of colonies number detection for sanitary tissue can be improved. |
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