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稀释水流速及加入角度对流浆箱调节效果的影响 |
The Influence of Velocity and Inject Angle of Dilution Water in Headbox on the Effect of Dilution Water Addition |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2013.05.006 |
关键词: 流浆箱 稀释水流速 加入角度 流量变化率 调节效果 |
Key Words:headbox dilution water velocity of flow inject angle variable rate of flow adjusting effect |
基金项目:科技部科技型中小企业技术创新基金项目(编号:12C26214405137)。 |
摘要点击次数: 5677 |
全文下载次数: 1632 |
摘要:从流体力学的角度分析了稀释水流速及其加入角度对稀释水添加效果的影响。实验结果表明,稀释水支管与布浆支管之间的夹角越大,添加稀释水后布浆支管的流量变化越小,添加效果越好;稀释水支管与布浆支管截面积比越大,即稀释水流速越低,添加稀释水后支管流量的变化率在相同的稀释比情况下越小,稀释水添加的效果越好;在稀释水流速和加入角度这两个因素中,稀释水流速对添加稀释水后布浆支管流量的变化影响更大,也是更为关键的因素。 |
Abstract:The influence of dilution water velocity and the angle between dilution water branch pipe and pulp distributing branch pipe on the effect of dilution water addition in headbox was analyzed from hydrodynamics point of view. It was found that dilution water addition effect is better and the change of flow rate in pulp distributing branch pipe is less when the angle between dilution water branch pipe and distributing branch pipe is bigger. On the other hand, the same result can be obtained when cross section area ratio of dilution water branch pipe and pulp distributing branch pipe is bigger, i.e. dilution water velocity is decreased. Dilution water velocity is the more important factor compared with the inject angle, because of its greater influence on the flow rate of the pulp distribution branch pipe after adding dilution water. |
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