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臭氧轻ECF漂白 |
Brief Introduction to Ozone ECF-light Bleaching Process |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2013.05.011 |
关键词: 漂白 臭氧漂白 臭氧轻ECF |
Key Words:bleaching ozone bleaching ozone ECF-light |
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摘要点击次数: 5324 |
全文下载次数: 1604 |
摘要:介绍了臭氧漂白的发展概况、臭氧高浓漂白和中浓漂白技术、臭氧漂白工艺运行参数和采用臭氧漂白的优点,并指出臭氧轻ECF漂白可能是应对要求日益严格的废水排放标准的首选漂白方案。 |
Abstract:Ozone bleaching development trend, ozone HC bleaching and MC bleaching processes, operation parameters of ozone bleaching and the advantages of using ozone bleaching are reviewed briefly in this paper. It concluded that ozone ECF-light should be the priority choice for the bleaching process which will copes with the more strict effluent discharge regulation. |
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