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生活用纸化学品健康安全性探讨 |
Exploration on the Safety of Chemical Additives in Household Paper Production |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2013.05.013 |
关键词: 生活用纸 健康安全 造纸化学品 |
Key Words:household paper safety assessment chemical addition for papermaking |
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摘要点击次数: 5463 |
全文下载次数: 2118 |
摘要:分析了目前生活用纸行业添加化学品的管理、使用和国内外标准及法规的现状,提出应该完善国家化学品管理体系以及需要对生活用纸生产企业所使用的化学品进行深入研究,出台相应的法规、标准,保证生活用纸产品的健康安全。 |
Abstract:This paper introduced the standard and the regulation systems related to chemical addition agent for household paper production at home and abroad. The current situation of chemical additives using in the household paper mills were investigated and surveyed. This paper puts suggested that the chemical management system of our country should be completed, and more research on health safety of chemicals used for household paper should be carried out. |
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