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一种用于测定纸浆中过渡金属含量的样品预处理方法 |
A Sample Pretreatment Method for Determination of Transition Metals Content in Pulps |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2013.07.001 |
关键词: 纸浆 过渡金属 灰分法 消化法 酸处理法 ICP-OES法 |
Key Words:pulp transition metal element ash method digestion method acidic pretreatment ICP-OES method |
基金项目:本课题为国家自然科学基金(21076091)资助项目。 |
摘要点击次数: 5850 |
全文下载次数: 1967 |
摘要:研究了一种用于测定纸浆中过渡金属含量的样品预处理方法(酸处理法)。选择了最具代表性的铁为研究对象,通过对酸的种类和浓度、处理温度和时间等条件的选择及优化,得出最佳处理条件为:采用3 mol/L的硫酸溶液来分散纸浆(浆料浓度可视过渡金属离子含量的多少适当调整),然后将其装入密封的容器内在120℃下处理5 h。通过与灰分法和消化法预处理后的测定结果比较可知,采用酸处理法对样品进行预处理,可使测定过渡金属离子含量的误差在7%以内,且克服了灰分法中硅化合物的干扰。 |
Abstract:This paper demonstrates a sample pretreatment method for the determination of transition metals content in pulps. The pretreatment process involved: dispersing the pulp in 3 mol/L sulfuric acid solution (the pulp consistency could be adjusted according to the content of transition metals in pulps), and then it was put in a sealed container for 5 hours at 120℃. The present method has a good measurement precision, and the results agreed with those measured by the digestion method in the comparison testing. It also overcame the problem caused by the silicon compounds in the ash method for straw pulp sample testing. It is a simple and practical methed. |
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