Determination of the SB-latex Content in Coating Layer of Light Weight Coated Paper
关键词:  轻涂纸  羧基丁苯胶乳  ATR-FTIR  PCF  PLS  GRNN
Key Words:LWC paper  SB-latex  ATR-FTIR  PCF  PLS  GRNN
赵 焕 天津科技大学天津市制浆造纸重点实验室天津300457 
洪义梅* 天津科技大学天津市制浆造纸重点实验室天津300457 
佟 放 天津科技大学天津市制浆造纸重点实验室天津300457 
刘 苇 天津科技大学天津市制浆造纸重点实验室天津300457 
丁笑天 天津科技大学天津市制浆造纸重点实验室天津300457 
侯庆喜* 天津科技大学天津市制浆造纸重点实验室天津300457 
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摘要:采用衰减全反射傅里叶变换红外光谱(ATR-FTIR)对涂有不同羧基丁苯胶乳含量的轻涂纸表面进行测定,选取羧基丁苯胶乳在波数为2922 cm-1、1028 cm-1、756 cm-1和699 cm,sup>-1 4处特征吸收峰并使用红外光谱软件计算其峰面积,由此得到不同胶乳含量与这4处吸收峰峰面积之间的关系;分别采用多项式曲线拟合(PCF)、偏最小二乘回归(PLS regression)和广义回归神经网络(GRNN)进行建模,并对3种模型的预测效果进行比较。结果表明,轻涂纸涂层中的ATR-FTIR信息可以用来测定轻涂纸涂层中的羧基丁苯胶乳含量,3种预测模型中,GRNN方法具有最佳的预测效果,偏差最小(最大偏差为-3.39%)。
Abstract:In this paper, the styrene-butadiene latex (SB-latex) contents in the coating layer of light weight coated (LWC) paper were measured by using an attenuated total reflectance-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR). The peak areas under the specific absorption peaks at 2922 cm-1, 1028 cm-1, 756 cm-1, and 699 cm-1 were calculated, by using the relative software. So the relation between different contents of SB-latex and the peak areas under those four peaks was obtained. Three different models for predicting the SB-latex content in the coating layer of LWC paper were established by applying the polynomial curve fitting (PCF), partial least-squares regression (PLS regression), and generalized regression neural network (GRNN), respectively. The results showed that the attenuated total reflectance-Fourier transform infrared spectral information of the coating layer of LWC paper can be used to determine the SB-latex content in the coating layer. Among these three methods of predicting the content of SB-latex in the coating layer, the GRNN model has the best predicting effect since it has the minimum error, i.e., the maximum error is -3.39%.
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