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脱墨浆中胶黏物的絮聚行为研究 |
Study on the Stickies Aggregation Behavior in Deinked Pulp |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2013.07.006 |
关键词: FBRM 胶黏物 絮聚 PDADMAC |
Key Words:FBRM stickies aggregation PDADMAC |
基金项目:天津科技大学实验室开放基金项目(1203A207);国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目(201210057007)。 |
摘要点击次数: 5529 |
全文下载次数: 2123 |
摘要:利用聚集光束反射测量仪(FBRM)对脱墨浆中胶黏物粒子在阴离子垃圾捕捉剂(PDADMAC)作用下的絮聚行为进行了研究,并结合激光粒度仪、浊度仪、Zeta电位仪等对其结果进行了验证。实验结果表明,PDADMAC用量为20 mg/L时,对胶黏物的絮聚效果最佳,此时接近理论电荷等电点,继续增加PDADMAC用量,体系超过等电点,电荷发生逆转,胶黏物粒子重新分散。由FBRM得出的胶黏物絮聚动力学可知,其絮聚过程分为溶解性物质凝聚和胶体性物质絮凝两个阶段。为了得到较好的胶黏物控制效果,提高PDADMAC的使用效率,应避免在过高的碱性条件下进行使用。 |
Abstract:A focused beam reflectance measurement (FBRM) instrument was used to continuously assess the aggregation of stickies in the white water when deinked pulp was used to produce paper. The particle size analysis, turbidity and Zeta potential were also used to evaluate the effisiency of anionic trash catcher in altering the sticikes aggregation behavior. The results indicated that FBRM provided a real-time monitor in process to establish the evolution of the resulting aggregation state as well as differences between different chemical doses. The FBRM results were in good agreement with the particle size analysis, turbidity and Zeta potential measurements. At high pH values, the anionic charge of stickies increased which caused, consumption of chemicals increased. Aggregation should be take place at neutral conditions to increase the aggregation of stickies and to avoid excessive chemical consumption. |
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