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烟草浆高浓与低浓打浆效果的比较 |
Comparison of High and Low Consistency Refining of Reconstituted Tobacco Pulp |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2013.07.008 |
关键词: 再造烟叶 烟草浆 低浓打浆 两级打浆 |
Key Words:reconstituted tobacco sheets low consistency beating second-grade pulping |
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摘要点击次数: 5931 |
全文下载次数: 1700 |
摘要:分析了目前造纸法再造烟叶生产中普遍采用的烟草浆高浓打浆存在的缺陷,阐述了低浓打浆“两级打浆”工艺,并从纤维特性和成纸物理性能两个方面对烟草浆高浓与低浓打浆的效果进行实验和对比。结果表明,低浓打浆有效地解决了高浓打浆存在的缺陷;与高浓打浆相比,低浓打浆的纤维长度提高了10.8%、宽度下降了17.8%、粗度降低了9.5%,扭曲度、切断率和柔软度等指标都明显下降。 |
Abstract:The disadvantages of high consistency refining which is commonly used in reconstituted tobacco sheets manufacture was analyzed and two steps low consistency refining process was described. The high and low refining effect on the fibers characteristics and the sheet properties were compared. The results showed that low consistency refining can the disadvantages of high consistency refining. Compare to high consistency refining, low consistency refining improves the fiber length by 10.8%, the width of fiber drops by 17.8%, coarseness reduces by 9.5%, kinked fibers, broken fibers and softness are also lower than that of high consistency refining. |
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