A Study on the Relevance of Paper Age According to Fiber Species
关键词:  造纸原料  纤维种类  纸龄  文物鉴定
Key Words:papermaking raw materials  fiber types  paper age  heritage identification
刘 畅1,2 1.北京科技大学科学技术与文明研究中心,北京1000832.北京联合大学信息学院,北京100101 
李晓岑1,* 1.北京科技大学科学技术与文明研究中心,北京100083 
王 珊1,3 1.北京科技大学科学技术与文明研究中心,北京1000833.中国文化遗产研究院,北京100029 
张小云1 1.北京科技大学科学技术与文明研究中心,北京100083 
摘要点击次数: 5597
全文下载次数: 1885
Abstract:With more and more fakes emerging on the Chinese painting and calligraphy market, finding a new method of authentication has become an urgent task. Based on the special expertise in the Chinese papermaking history and paper microanalysis, this paper put forward a method for analyzing fiber species and whereby preliminarily determining the age of a piece of paper. On the basis of literature survey and laboratory work, the authors studied the relationship of the features of paper fibers, materials from which the paper was made and the time when the paper appeared, and established a new method for inferring the age of a given paper. The method introduced in this paper was scientific and reliable, and may provide a reference for authentication of papery cultural relics.
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