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AKD熟化促进剂PDADMAC的合成与应用 |
Synthesis and Application of PDADMAC as AKD Curing Agent |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2013.09.005 |
关键词: AKD熟化促进剂 聚二甲基二烯丙基氯化铵 表面施胶 |
Key Words:AKD curing agent PDADMAC surface sizing |
基金项目:本课题得到国家十二五科技支撑项目(项目编号:2011BAC11-B04)和天津市科技创新体系及条件平台建设计划项目(编号:10SYSYJC28000)的资金支持。 |
摘要点击次数: 5668 |
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摘要:采用水溶液聚合法,以二甲基二烯丙基氯化铵(DADMAC)为单体,采用氧化还原引发体系的自由基聚合反应,合成具有高电荷密度、高黏度的聚二甲基二烯丙基氯化铵(PDADMAC)。并探究了反应温度、引发剂用量、引发剂滴加时间等因素对合成PDADMAC特性黏度和电荷密度的影响;进一步研究了PDADMAC作为熟化促进剂在AKD表面施胶中的作用。结果表明,当引发体系为过硫酸铵(APS)-亚硫酸氢钠、引发剂用量为0.4%、反应温度为80℃、引发剂滴加时间为4 h时,得到的PDADMAC各项性能最佳;所合成的PDADMAC特性黏度为80 mL/g、电荷密度为5.8 mmol/g时,用作AKD熟化促进剂效果最佳。 |
Abstract:PDADMAC with high charge density and molecular weight was synthetized by using DADMAC as a monomer and free radical polymerization in aqueous solution with redox initiator system.The effects of reaction temperature, initiator dosage, initiator adding time on the charge density and the intrinsic viscosity of PDADMAC were studied. Then the performance of PDADMAC in surface sizing with AKD containing the sample was tested. The optimal polymerization conditions included using APS-NaHSO3 as initiator, the reaction temperature was 80℃, initiator dosage was 0.4%, initiator adding time was 4 hrs. The experiment results of surface sizing showed that the PDADMAC with intrinsic viscosity of 80 mL/g and charge density of 5.8 mmol/g was more suitable to use as the curing agent than other kinds. |
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