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高压碱回收锅炉汽包水位测量的误差分析及对策 |
Analysis and Countermeasure of Measurement Error of Drum Water Level of High-pressure Alkali Recovery Boiler |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2013.09.009 |
关键词: 碱回收锅炉 汽包水位 测量误差 补偿措施 平衡容器 |
Key Words:alkali recovery boiler drum water level measurement error compensation balance container |
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摘要点击次数: 5057 |
全文下载次数: 1732 |
摘要:通过分析高压碱回收锅炉汽包水位测量误差产生的原因,并结合具体工程案例,从测量方式的选择、补偿措施的实现以及合理合规的安装方式3个方面,提出了减小汽包水位测量误差的对策,以达到锅炉安全、稳定运行的目的。 |
Abstract:Selection of measurement methods, implementation of compensation steps and proper installation are three main aspects for realizing accurate drum water level measurement. Based on this idea, this article puts forward the countermeasures for decreasing the measurement error by analyzing the cause of drum water level measurement error of high-pressure alkali recovery boiler based on a project case. |
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