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一种无虹吸管叶轮排水式烘缸 |
Introduce a Impeller Dewatering Dryer without Siphon |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2013.09.011 |
关键词: 烘缸 虹吸管 排水 叶轮 |
Key Words:dryer siphon dewatering impeller |
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摘要点击次数: 5244 |
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摘要:介绍一种无虹吸管叶轮排水式烘缸,对其结构和工作原理进行了阐述。该技术从根本上避免了因虹吸管故障而可能引发的各种烘缸运行事故,具有良好的应用前景。 |
Abstract:In order to discharge the condensed water generated in the running dryer outside the cylinder as soon as possible, the dryer normally is required to set the siphon. But the siphon is often weared and damaged because of the impact of the condensed water, which decrease dryer drainage efficiency and drying efficiency, sometimes even cause an explosion accident. This paper presents a type of impeller dewatering dryer without siphon, and explains its structure and working principle. This technology fundamentally avoids siphon failure and dryer interruption of service, it has a promising application future. |
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