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特性黏度法快速确定芳纶短切纤维和沉析纤维的配比 |
Rapid Determination of the Ratio of Aramid Flocs to Fibrids Based on Intrinsic Viscosity Measurement |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2013.10.007 |
关键词: 一点法 短切纤维 沉析纤维 纤维配比 特性黏度 |
Key Words:one-point measurement flocs fibrids the ratio of flocs to fibrids intrinsic viscosity |
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摘要点击次数: 5608 |
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摘要:利用一点法快速地测定了芳纶纤维溶液的特性黏度,通过考察纤维混合溶液的特性黏度与其组分配比之间的关系,提出了一种通过测定特性黏度确定芳纶纤维混合物中短切纤维和沉析纤维配比的新方法。该方法简单易行,高效快捷,不仅适用于确定间位芳纶纤维混合物的组分配比,也同样能够有效地确定间位和对位芳纶纤维混合物的组分配比。 |
Abstract:The intrinsic viscosities of aramid fibers were determined by using one-point measurement. The relationship between intrinsic viscosity of aramid fibers and the weight percentages of flocs and fibrids was investigated. A novel method was proposed to rapidly determine the ratio of flocs to fibers based on intrinsic viscosity measurement. The method is simple and efficient, showing great ability to determine the ratio of flocs and fibrids not only in meta-aramid fibers but also in the mixture of meta-aramid and para-aramid fibers. |
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