Mechanism of Different Removal Rate of Deleterious Compounds in Mainstream Cigarette Smoke of CAPF and Cellulose Acetate Filter Rods
关键词:  木浆纤维  醋酸纤维  复合材料滤嘴棒  氨气  苯并芘  CAPF
Key Words:wood fibre  cellulose acetate  filter rods  ammonia  benzopyrene  CAPF
黄小雷1,2 1.中国制浆造纸研究院北京1001022.制浆造纸国家工程实验室北京100102 
刘 文1,2,3 1.中国制浆造纸研究院北京1001022.制浆造纸国家工程实验室北京100102
陈雪峰1,2 1.中国制浆造纸研究院北京1001022.制浆造纸国家工程实验室北京100102 
刘群华1,2 1.中国制浆造纸研究院北京1001022.制浆造纸国家工程实验室北京100102 
摘要点击次数: 6212
全文下载次数: 1869
Abstract:The main materials of CAPF rod filler are wood fibres, and they are acetate fibres in cellulose acetate filter rods. These two kinds of filter rods exist in differences in removing rate of ammonia and benzopyrene in mainstream cigarette smoke. The purpose of this paper was to analyze the reasons causing the aforementioned differences, to find out the differences of physical and chemistry adsorption capacities for ammonia and benzopyzene of those wood fibre and acetate fiber. The results showed that wood fiber has better hydrophilicity than the acetate fibre, and ammonia is soluble in water so it’s easier to be absorbed by wood fibre. The pore structure investigation indicated that, the section composed of wood fibres in CAPF rods has smaller mean pore size and large amount of pore with small size therefore it absorbs more small granular substance easily such as benzopyzene. Benzopyzene can’t start chemical reaction with wood fibre and acetate fibre when it goes with smoke through cigarette filter rods.
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