Impact of Debonding Agent on the Fluff Pulp and Its Working Mechanism
关键词:  膨松剂  绒毛浆  SEM  绒毛浆性能
Key Words:debonding agent  fluff pulp  SEM  fluff pulp performance
徐永建1 1.陕西科技大学轻工与能源学院陕西省造纸技术及特种纸品开发重点实验室陕西西安710021 
王 倩1 1.陕西科技大学轻工与能源学院陕西省造纸技术及特种纸品开发重点实验室陕西西安710021 
王 皎1 1.陕西科技大学轻工与能源学院陕西省造纸技术及特种纸品开发重点实验室陕西西安710021 
朱振峰2 2.陕西科技大学材料科学与工程博士后流动站陕西西安710021 
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摘要:通过将固体白色粉末状膨松剂添加到绒毛浆板抄造工艺中,研究其对绒毛浆性能的影响。使用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)观测膨松剂在纤维表面的附着状态,揭示膨松剂的作用机理。结果表明,当膨松剂用量为2.58%时,绒毛浆板的耐破指数为0.59 kPa·m2/g,紧度为0.51 g/cm3,干蓬松度为24.7 cm3/g,此时耐破指数和吸液时间分别较不加膨松剂的绒毛浆板降低了30.6%和44.7%,接近高档进口商品绒毛浆的性能;而吸液时间2.1 s与吸液量8.0 g/g均与国家优等品标准接近。同时SEM的观测结果显示,添加膨松剂后,一方面膨松剂粒子附着在纤维粗糙处,一定程度降低了纤维丝的缠绕紧度;另一方面,膨松剂粒子絮聚在纤维束上,对纤维束起到一定的包裹作用,使纤维之间的距离增大,纤维间氢键的形成因此受到影响,结合力减弱,达到了调节绒毛浆板耐破度的目的。
Abstract:The impact of debonding agent on the fluff pulp and its working mechanism were studied by using SEM to observe the debonding agent on the surface of fibers. The results showed that the burst index of the fluff pulp board was 0.59 kPa·m2/g, the density was 0.51 g/cm3 and dry filling ability was 24.7 cm3/g, and the burst index and absorbing time of fluff pulp decreased by 30.6% and 44.7% respectively when adding 2.58% of debonding agent, these properties were very similar to that of the imported product. The data of absorbing time 2.1 s and absorbance amount 8.0 g/g were as the same as the national superior product specification. The observation of SEM showed that twining between the fibers decreased at certain extent as debonding agents were on the rough surface of the fibers. On the other hand, the fiber bundle was covered by debonding agents, which could increase the distance between the fibers and prejudiced the forming of hydrogen bond. The bonding force between the fibers decreased, the fluffing energy of the pulp could be adjusted.
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