Application of Automatic Measurement of Fiber Length and Width in the XWY Paper Fiber Analyzer
关键词:  纤维测量仪  自动测量  纤维长度宽度  凝胶法制样
Key Words:fiber analyzer  automatic measurement  fiber length and width
谭 敏 珠海华伦造纸科技有限公司广东珠海519002 
王 玉 珠海华伦造纸科技有限公司广东珠海519002 
谭皓晓 珠海华伦造纸科技有限公司广东珠海519002 
摘要点击次数: 6099
全文下载次数: 2301
Abstract:This paper introduced an automatic surveying technology which measured the fiber length and the fiber width in a XWY paper fiber analyzer. The surveying technology was consisted of fiber dispersing in gel, preparing the fiber samples in a big slide and the computer software. The results showed that the short and the lightly beating fibers were dispersed easily and formed a good observation slide in which the fibers were separated each other sufficiently. It could measure thousands fiber in a glass slide. The automatic surveying results of the fibers length and the fibers width were almost as same as the results that were directly measured by using a mouse touch both ends of the fibers. Automatic surveying the fiber length and fiber width was workable.
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