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全棉秆制浆脱果胶预处理工艺及其发展概况 |
Depectinization Pretreatment of Whole Cotton Stalk Pulping |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2013.11.014 |
关键词: 全棉秆 化机浆 脱果胶 |
Key Words:whole cotton stalk CMP depectinization |
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摘要点击次数: 5357 |
全文下载次数: 1554 |
摘要:果胶对全棉秆制浆有不良影响,文章概述了全棉秆制浆脱果胶预处理的工艺方法及其发展状况;提出了全棉秆脱果胶预处理制备高白度化机浆的可行性。 |
Abstract:Pectin adversely affects the pulping of whole cotton stalk, the development situation of depectinization pretreatment of whole cotton stalk was summarized, the mechanism of depectinization pretreatment was discussed and the authors pointed out that the high brightness chemi-mechanical pulping process of whole cotton stalk has the good future in paper industry. |
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