Methanol Formation Process and Experiential Model of Wheat Straw Soda-AQ Pulping
关键词:  甲醇  麦草  烧碱-蒽醌法蒸煮  历程  经验模型
Key Words:methanol  wheat straw  soda-AQ cooking  formation process  experiential model
刘秋娟 天津科技大学天津市制浆造纸重点实验室天津300457 
周晓林 天津科技大学天津市制浆造纸重点实验室天津300457 
肖贵华 天津科技大学天津市制浆造纸重点实验室天津300457 
张成伍 天津科技大学天津市制浆造纸重点实验室天津300457 
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摘要:研究了麦草烧碱-蒽醌法蒸煮产生甲醇的历程,并建立了甲醇产生量的经验模型。实验得出,当蒸煮温度低于80℃时,甲醇产生速率较慢;80~155℃的升温阶段,甲醇产生速率最快;155℃下的保温阶段甲醇产生速率略变缓,但是仍然有较多的甲醇生成。用碱量增大,甲醇的产生速率增大。当蒸煮温度升高至小放气温度(105℃左右)时,黑液中甲醇的浓度为0.2 kg/t黑液以上,约为总甲醇产生量的50%。模型检验结果表明,在常规蒸煮条件下,两个经验模型可以较准确地对麦草烧碱 蒽醌法蒸煮过程中的甲醇产生量进行预测和估计。
Abstract:Methanol formation process and experiential model of wheat straw soda-AQ pulping were studied. The results showed that in the initial phase of the cooking methanol was generated slowly. As temperature was higher than 80℃,the methanol was generated quickly in temperature raising stage. By the end of the cooking, the rate of methanol generation was slow. In the initial phase of the cooking, at temperatures below 105℃, about 50% of the total amount of methanol was formed. Experiential models of the methanol formation during soda-AQ pulping process were established. And the result of model checking showed that these models could be used for predicting the methanol formation during the conventional soda-AQ pulping process.
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