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白泥纤维的软化改性及其对配抄纸张性能的影响 |
Softening Modification of White Mud Fibers and Its Papermaking Performance |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2013.12.005 |
关键词: 白泥纤维 软化 CMC 纸张强度 |
Key Words:white mud fibers soften CMC paper strength |
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摘要:针对白泥纤维脆性大的特性,合成了PVA-KH560软化剂;采用傅里叶红外光谱仪对软化剂进行了表征;利用此软化剂对白泥纤维进行软化改性,并通过扫描电镜等方法分析纤维的软化改性效果;再将软化前后的白泥纤维分别与植物纤维进行配抄,测定白泥纤维对纸张性能的影响。并探讨不同浓度羧甲基纤维素纳(CMC)对纤维的分散及纸张的增强作用。结果表明,随白泥纤维用量的增加,纸张抗张强度、环压强度均降低;CMC最佳分散浓度为0.8%(质量分数);用此分散纤维配抄纸张性能比未进行分散的明显提高,当添加30%改性纤维时,纸张抗张指数提高了40%,环压指数提高了42%。 |
Abstract:White mud fiber with brittleness characterise was modified by the self synthesized softener PVA-KH560,the changes of the fiber surface were observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The modified and unmodified white mud fibers were separately mixed with plant fibers as papermaking furnish. The effect of application of the white mud fibers on paper properties was determined, and the effect of adding different concentration of CMC on dispersing of white mud fibers and the strength of white mud fiber or plant fiber composite paper were studied. The results showed that with increasing of the white mud fiber amount, the paper tensile strength, compressive strength decreased. The optimum dispersing concentration of CMC was 0.8%(based on weight). And the strength of paper added CMC was significantly improved. When the addition of white mud fiber was 30%, the tensile index and ring crush index increased by 40% and 42%, respectively. |
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