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自乳化苯丙乳液对装饰原纸表面施胶的工艺研究 |
Treatment of Decorative Base Paper by Using Self-emulsifying Styrene Acrylic Emulsion |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2014.01.006 |
关键词: 装饰原纸 自乳化苯丙乳液 表面施胶 印刷表面强度 |
Key Words:decorative base paper self-emulsifying styrene acrylic emulsion surface treatment surface strength |
基金项目:本研究得到中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金(项目名称:苯丙类表面处理剂改善装饰原纸适印性研究,项目编号:CAFINT2012C02)支持。 |
摘要点击次数: 5686 |
全文下载次数: 1854 |
摘要:为提高装饰原纸的表面强度和印刷适性,使用自制自乳化苯丙乳液(SAE)与淀粉或聚乙稀醇(PVA)施胶液复配对装饰原纸进行表面施胶。重点考察了施胶液种类、黏度、与SAE配比以及施胶量等因素对表面施胶效果的影响,同时对比了自制SAE与市售SAE处理效果的不同。结果表明,选择糊化淀粉为施胶液,淀粉黏度70 mPa·s,降解淀粉所需过硫酸铵(APS)用量2.2%,淀粉与自制SAE配比20∶1,施胶量为2 g/m2时,经表面施胶后的装饰原纸表面性能和印刷适性优良;淀粉与自制SAE复配能将装饰原纸的印刷表面强度提高4.4倍;自制SAE比市售SAE对装饰原纸的施胶效果更优。 |
Abstract:In the study, decorative base paper was treated with self-emulsifying styrene acrylic emulsion (SAE) to improve the surface strength and printability. The effects of the type and viscosity of sizing liquid, the ratio of sizing liquid and SAE and the sizing dosage, and the difference between self-emulsifying SAE and commercial SAE on the treatment effect of paper were studied. The results showed that when starch was used as sizing agent starch was degraded by APS(dosage was 2.2%) and had visicosity of 70 mPa·s, the ratio of starch and SAE was 20∶1, sizing amount was 2 g/m2, the optimal treatment effect of decorative base paper was achiered, and the surface strength of the decorative base paper was improved 4.4 times as the original; the treatment effect of self-emulsifying SAE on the decorative base paper was better than commercial one. |
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