Study on the Structure of MWL of Tobacco Stem
关键词:  烟梗  磨木木素  红外光谱  核磁共振光谱
Key Words:tobacco stem  milled wood lignin  FT-IR  13C-NMR
刘志昌1 1.湖北中烟技术中心重组烟叶应用技术研究湖北省重点实验室湖北武汉430040 
毛 耀1 1.湖北中烟技术中心重组烟叶应用技术研究湖北省重点实验室湖北武汉430040 
王 磊2,* 2.湖北工业大学制浆造纸工程学院湖北武汉430068 
安 瑞2 2.湖北工业大学制浆造纸工程学院湖北武汉430068 
谢益民2 2.湖北工业大学制浆造纸工程学院湖北武汉430068 
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全文下载次数: 1750
Abstract:Recomsisted Tobacco sheet was increasingly used in cigarettes thanks to its low tar and nicotine in smoke. But there were some shortcomings in tobacco sheet, for example, it released wood odour in smoking, which affected the smoking quality of reconstituted tobacco. Therefore, we needed to study the structure of tobacco stem lignin(milled wood lignin, MWL), it could provide necessary academic basis for improving the mechanical properties and quality of reconstitued tobacco. The results showed that, the yield of MWL was 3.0%( based on dry raw materials), the extraction rate of MWL was 57.0%(the lignin contents of tobacco stem was 5.3%); The structure of MWL of tobacco stem was analyzed by FT-IR and 13C-NMR, the two types of structural unit for MWL of tobacco stem were mainly syringylreleased units and guaiacyl units. It was proved that β-O-4, 5-5, β-5 was probably the main type linkages between lignin, and the β-O-4 group and β-5 group were main groups.
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