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选择性磨浆对杨木P-RC APMP制浆过程的优化 |
Optimization of P-RC APMP Process by Selective Refining |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2014.02.001 |
关键词: 纤维束 能耗 松厚度 |
Key Words:shives energy consumption bulk |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(项目编号:31070527);陕西科技大学研究生创新基金资助项目。 |
摘要点击次数: 6066 |
全文下载次数: 1759 |
摘要:利用纤维束筛分仪将一段高浓磨后的半成品化机浆筛分为纤维束和浆A,将纤维束用盘磨磨浆至不同游离度后回添至浆A中,制备化机浆(浆C),实施化机浆生产的选择性磨浆。研究了选择性磨浆对杨木P-RC APMP成纸性能及磨浆能耗的影响。结果表明,采用选择性磨浆,可以降低化机浆生产过程的磨浆能耗。在与对比浆游离度基本一致的情况下,对出一段高浓磨半成品浆料中的纤维束实施选择性磨浆,当纤维束磨浆至170 mL,即浆C的游离度为305 mL时,二段磨浆能耗降低13.1%,成纸松厚度提高11.6%,撕裂指数升高1.7%,但抗张指数降低10.5%,内结合强度降低16.8%。纤维束的选择性磨浆,可通过控制纤维束磨浆后的特性,调整化机浆成纸性能。 |
Abstract:The pulp at first stage refining was divided into shives and pulp A with the use of shives screens, the shives were refined to the pulp B with different freeness, then the pulp B was backfilled into pulp A in proportion, the effects of selective refining on the paper properties and energy consumption of refining were analyzed. The results showed that: selective refining could reduce the energy consumption of refining. On basis of the freeness of the resultant pulp was the same as with the self-finished pulp, when the freeness of pulp B reached to 170 mL, the freeness of pulp C is 305 mL, energy consumption of refining decreased by 13.1%, paper bulk and tear index increased by 11.6% and 1.7%, while the tensile strength and internal bonding strength decreased by 10.5% and 16.8%. The selective refining of shives could adjust the paper properties by controlling the shives refining characteristic. |
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