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国产造纸机用中高精度定量阀的研制 |
Research and Development of Medium High-precision Quantitative Valve for Basis Weight Control of Paper Machine |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2014.03.009 |
关键词: 高精度定量阀 电动调节阀 步进电机 造纸机定量控制 |
Key Words:high precision quantitative valve electrical valve stepping motor basis weight control of paper machine |
基金项目:国家国际科技合作计划(项目编号:2010DFB43660);陕西省科技统筹计划(项目编号:2012KTCQ01-19);西安市未央区科技项目(项目编号:201311);陕西科技大学校科研基金(项目编号:ZX11-25);温州市对外科技合作交流科技计划(项目编号:H20100097)。 |
摘要点击次数: 5695 |
全文下载次数: 1868 |
摘要:针对目前国内造纸机所使用的国外高精度定量阀价格高,国内定量阀精度低、难以满足定量控制要求的现状,在研究国外产品技术优点的基础上研发了中高精度定量阀。详细阐述了执行器和控制器的结构设计。研发的定量阀经测试具有4000步精度,该定量阀已在浙江富阳某造纸机上应用,取得了良好的控制效果和经济效益。 |
Abstract:Aiming at the present status that the high precision valves imported from abroad are expensive, while the domestic products are difficult to meet the control requirements because of the low precision, a design scheme of medium high-precision quantitative valve for basis weight control of paper machine was proposed in this paper. This paper expounded the designs of actuator, controller, mechanical position limitation device, electrical position limits circuit & control bus network. The test result showed that the developed valve reached to a running accuracy of 4000 steps. The product developed has been using in a paper machine in Fuyang City, Zhejiang province and satisfactory control performance and economic benefit are obtained. |
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