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棉短绒H2O2一步法蒸漂制浆的不足及对策 |
The Shortcomings and Solution of Cotton Linter Hydrogen Peroxide One-step Pulping and Bleaching Process |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2014.05.016 |
关键词: 棉短绒 蒸煮 蒸漂 H2O2 COD |
Key Words:cotton linter cooking cooking and bleaching H2O2 COD |
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摘要点击次数: 5548 |
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摘要:现行棉短绒制浆采用H2O2一步法蒸漂制浆工艺,即棉短绒脱脂、去除木素、去疵点与H2O2氧化漂白同时进行,由于脱脂、去除木素、去疵点的最适宜温度与H2O2蒸漂不同,脱脂滞后于H2O2分解,降低了H2O2的利用率。本文分析了H2O2一步法蒸漂制浆的不足,并提出了3种改进措施,即采用二步法蒸漂制浆、混合蒸漂工艺及改进一步法蒸漂的升温曲线等,以提高H2O2的利用率,降低废水中的COD。 |
Abstract:The existing cotton linter hydrogen peroxide one-step pulping and bleaching process realized simultaneously degreasing and bleaching, however due to the difference of degreasing temperature and bleaching tempreature, it would cause low utilization rate of peroxide. This paper proposed to adorpt two-step process, in which cotton linter was degreased at first, then bleached with peroxide. This process could improve hydrogen peroxide utilization rate and reduce COD discharge. |
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