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研磨碳酸钙的胶乳改性及其在加填纸中的应用 |
Preparation of Latex-modified GCC and Its Application in High-filler Papers |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2014.06.001 |
关键词: 研磨碳酸钙(GCC) 胶乳改性 加填 |
Key Words:ground calcium carbonate latex-modified high filler |
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摘要点击次数: 6281 |
全文下载次数: 1668 |
摘要:采用胶乳对填料级研磨碳酸钙(GCC)进行表面改性,对改性GCC的基本性能及其加填性能进行了研究。结果表明,采用胶乳对GCC进行表面改性时,胶乳在GCC表面的吸附率超过了99%;经过胶乳改性后,填料的白度略有降低,填料平均粒径虽然变大但粒度分布变窄;与未改性GCC相比,改性GCC加填纸的强度性能得到明显提高,在胶乳用量为2.0%(对GCC)、保持纸张强度性能不变条件下,纸张灰分含量从15.8%提高到31.1%,同时光散射系数得到明显改善;且改性GCC可明显提高纸张的施胶性能。 |
Abstract:The latex-modified GCC was prepared. The properties of the modified GCC, as well as the strength and optical properties of the handsheets loaded with the modified GCC were investigated. The results indicated that over 99% of the latex was firmly and effectively coated on the surface of GCC. After the modification, the brightness of the GCC was slightly lower. Although the average particle size became bigger, the particle size distribution became narrower. Comparing with the unmodified GCC the modified GCC was quite effective in upgrading the strength property of the filled handsheets. In this experiment conditions, the ash content of the handsheets increased to 31.1% from 15.8% when the unmodified GCC filler was replaced by the modified GCC which was prepared with 2.0% latex dosage on the GCC the strength of the handsheets unchanged still. |
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