Effects of the Pulp Freeness after First Stage Refining on Selective Refining
关键词:  能耗  磨浆  游离度
Key Words:energy consumption  refining  selective refining
齐书田1 1.陕西科技大学陕西西安710021 
张美云1 1.陕西科技大学陕西西安710021 
王 建1 1.陕西科技大学陕西西安710021 
王权科,sup>2 2.河南漯河银鸽实业投资股份有限公司河南漯河462000 
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摘要:利用高浓盘磨将一段高浓磨后游离度为710 mL的化机浆磨至游离度为600 mL,研究了两种不同游离度的浆料对后续选择性磨浆的影响。结果表明,在本实验条件下,利用选择性磨浆,与对比浆相比,当半成品化机浆游离度为710 mL时,可使化机浆生产过程的能耗降低13.1%,此时松厚度和撕裂指数分别提高11.6%和1.7%,但抗张指数和内结合强度分别降低10.5%和16.8%;当半成品化机浆游离度为600 mL时,能耗降低2.9%,此时松厚度提高4.7%,撕裂强度相当,但抗张指数和内结合强度分别降低4.2%和12.4%;一段高浓磨出浆游离度对实施化机浆的选择性磨浆具有明显影响,与一段高浓磨后浆游离度600 mL相比,出浆游离度710 mL时,磨浆能耗降低10.6%,松厚度和撕裂指数分别提高6.7%和1.9%,抗张指数和内结合强度分别降低6.6%和4.9%。
Abstract:In order to study the effects of freeness of the pulp after first stage refining on energy consumption and pulp quality of selective refining, the pulp after first stage refining (freeness of 710 mL) was further refined to freeness of 600 mL, the effects of different freeness of pulps on selective refining were studied. The results showed that with the selective refining, starting from the pulp with freeness of 710 mL, compared with contrast pulp, the energy consumption reduced significantly, energy consumption of refining decreased by 13.1%, paper bulk and tear index increased by 11.6% and 1.7%, while the tensile index and internal bonding strength decreased by 10.5% and 16.8%, respectively; when selective refining starting from the pulp with freeness of 600 mL, energy consumption of refining decreased by 2.9%, paper bulk increased by 4.7%, while the tensile index and internal bonding strength decreased by 4.2% and 12.4% respectively, the higher freeness of the pulp after first stage refining was good for the reduction of energy consumption, compared with the freeness of 600 mL, the energy comsumption decreased by 10.6%, paper bulk and tear index increased by 6.7% and 1.9%, while the tensile index and internal bonding strength decreased by 6.6% and 4.9%.
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