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新型硅酸钙填料对施胶效果的影响及其机理研究 |
Effect of Novel filler Fly Ash Based Calcium Silicate(FACS) on Sizing efficiency and the Corresponding Mechanism |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2014.07.001 |
关键词: FACS 加填纸 吸附 AKD施胶 |
Key Words:fly ash based calcium silicate filled paper adsorption AKD sizing efficiency |
基金项目:本课题受到国家自然科学基金(No.31170560)及陕西科技大学研究生创新基金的资助。 |
摘要点击次数: 5650 |
全文下载次数: 1794 |
摘要:研究了粉煤灰联产新型硅酸钙(FACS)填料对加填纸施胶效果的影响,并与沉淀碳酸钙(PCC)和研磨碳酸钙(GCC)进行对比;同时探讨了FACS加填纸的施胶机理并提出了改善FACS加填纸施胶效果的方法。结果表明,与PCC和GCC相比,在相同AKD用量下,FACS对AKD的吸附量更大,施胶效果更差;适当提高干燥温度,有利于改善施胶效果。将预先吸附了AKD的FACS作为纸张填料,同时起到施胶作用。当聚酰胺多胺-表氯醇树脂(PAE)用量为0.1%,阳离子淀粉(CS)用量为1%时,FACS加填纸的施胶效果可得到明显改善。 |
Abstract:Impact of FACS filler on AKD sizing efficiency was compared with PCC and GCC. The sizing mechanism was investigated and the methods to improve sizing efficiency were proposed. Results showed that FACS filler adsorbed much more AKD and the paper filled with FACS had lower sizing efficiency compared with PCC and GCC at the same AKD dosage. We found that the efficiency of sizing could be improved by increasing drying temperature. But the sizing degree reduced slightly when temperature was above 100℃. Fluidity of AKD increased due to the increasing of temperature and the AKD adsorbed by FACS filler overflowed from the pores then flowed onto the surface of fibers, the sizing degree was improved. Using the FACS filler pre-adsorbed with AKD as filler could achieve sizing purpose at the same time. The sizing efficiency could be strengthened by using PAE and CS with dosages of 0.1% and 1% respectrely. |
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