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GCC改性中淀粉-硬脂酸钠复合物包覆量对其使用效果的影响 |
Application of Ground Calcium Carbonate Covered with Starch Sodium Starch-Sodium Stearate Complex as Paper Filler |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2014.07.002 |
关键词: 淀粉-硬脂酸钠复合物 改性GCC 灰分 强度 |
Key Words:starch-sodium stearate complexes modified GCC ash strength |
基金项目:广东省科技计划项目(2011B010300015);科技部科技型中小企业创新基金(12C26214405137)。 |
摘要点击次数: 6324 |
全文下载次数: 1986 |
摘要:淀粉与硬脂酸钠在一定条件下反应生成的淀粉-硬脂酸钠复合物可以对重质碳酸钙(GCC)进行表面包覆改性,形成改性GCC。改性GCC较之未改性GCC可以有效减缓加填造成的纸张强度降低这一负面影响。本研究通过分析不同加填量下改性GCC加填纸和未改性GCC加填纸的灰分与纸张强度的关系,阐述改性GCC表面包覆量对提高纸张灰分含量和改善纸张强度的影响。 |
Abstract:Starch-sodium stearate complexes from the complex reaction of starch and sodium stearate in certain condition can be used to modify GCC by forming a coating larger on its surface. The modified GCC can mitigate the negative effect on paper strength when it is used as filler. The paper compared the relations of ash content and strength of the paper when various dosages of modified and unmodified fillers were used, to illustrate the influence of the covering amount of starch-sodium stearate complexes of GCC on the improvement of ash content and strength of the paper. |
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