Study of Using Blended Calcium Carbonate and Nano-4A Zeolite Adsorbed Ca2+ as Filler
关键词:  吸附Ca2+纳米4A沸石  碳酸钙  复配加填
Key Words:nano-4A zeolite of adsorbed Ca2+  calcium carbonate  blending filler
基金项目:浙江省重大科技专项(No. 2012C03004-1) 废纸造纸污水微排放DCS控制关键技术研究与示范。
何月峰 浙江大学环境工程研究所浙江杭州310058 
孙海利 浙江大学环境工程研究所浙江杭州310058 
方 飞 浙江大学环境工程研究所浙江杭州310058 
戴鸿军 浙江大学环境工程研究所浙江杭州310058 
史惠祥* 浙江大学环境工程研究所浙江杭州310058 
摘要点击次数: 5535
全文下载次数: 1760
Abstract:The effect of using blended calcium carbonate and nano-4A zeolite which has adsorbed Ca2+ as filler on the paper strength property was studied. The results showed that nano-4A zeolite adsorbed Ca2+ was matched with calcium carbonate on the particle size distribution and morphology features. The tensile index of the paper increased by 7.4% compared with the filler of calcium carbonate when using the blended filler and the replacement of nano-4A zeolite was 50%. Burst index increased by 4.8%, ring crush index increased by 21.1% when the replacement was 25%. There is obvious intertexture between nano-4A zeolite adsorbed Ca2+ and fiber. The smoothness of the paper was improved when the paper fiber had better bonding. The application of nano-4A zeolite adsorbed Ca2+ could reduce the concentration of Ca2+in effluent of the paper mill. It was good for wastewater treatment and recycling.
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