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成形网动态滤水特性及纸张抄造性能分析 |
Analysis on Dynamic Filtering and Paper Sheet Forming Characteristics of the Forming Fabric |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2014.07.007 |
关键词: 成形网 动态滤水 纸张性能 |
Key Words:forming wire dynamic filtering paper performance |
基金项目:浙江省自然科学基金项目(NO.LY13C160006);2012浙江科技学院交叉预研项目(NO.2012JC08Y);浙江省“十二五”重点学科“制浆造纸工程”基金资助。 |
摘要点击次数: 6331 |
全文下载次数: 2329 |
摘要:考察了两种浆料(长纤维和短纤维)在三类典型成形网(两层网2C、两层半网2B及三层网SSB)上的动态滤水特性以及抄造纸张的性能。结果表明,同类型的成形网,不同织造方法对滤水和留着影响显著。对于短纤维和填料较多的浆料使用低价的2C系列成形网更实用,不会对纸张成形产生不利影响。在本次系列实验中,优化设计的2B成形网,可兼顾留着和纸张性能,性能优于SSB成形网。更多细小组分的留着有利于提高纸张的结合性能。成形网越早形成初始纤维截留层,填料和细小组分的留着效果越好。 |
Abstract:Forming wire is a kind of fabrics weaved with polyester or nylonm filaments and applied to wet end of paper machine, it plays an important role on the forming process of paper and paper board. Dynamic filtering and paper sheet forming characteristics of the fabric were investigated by using two kinds of furnish and three kinds of typical forming wire. The results showed that weaving method had a significant influence on drainage and retention in spite of the same type fabric. It was a better choice to use low-cost type 2C forming wire for the pulp with relatively poor quality, and it won’t have adverse impact on sheet forming. In this series of experiments, type 2B forming wire with optimal design of knitting displaied the superiority of both retention and paper sheet forming over to type SSB. More retention of the fines could improve the bonding strength of the paper sheet. The earlier the forming of fiber mat on the forming wire, the better the retention of filler and fines. |
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