Study on Measuring Eco-efficiency of Papermaking Effluent Treatment Systems by Using LCC/LCA Ratio
关键词:  生态效益  生命周期费用  生命周期评价  造纸废水治理工艺
Key Words:eco-efficiency  life cycle cost  life cycle assessment  treatment systems of papermaking wastewater
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摘要:采用Steen描述的方法,即由生命周期费用(LCC)与生命周期评价(LCA)的比率(LCC/LCA)计算企业生态效益,结合LCC分析及LCA的技术方法,参照GUY SKANTZE、Steen教授等的实例研究,应用德国GaBi软件,统计计算了苏州某造纸企业引进超滤设备前后新旧两条废水处理工艺系统的生态效益。结果显示,两套生产工艺的生态效益分别为:上超滤前90.18%,上超滤后92.47%。由此可见,超滤设备能够降低造纸废水治理工艺对环境的影响,减少环境负荷。研究涉及的生态效益计算方法,不但可以判断不同工艺对环境影响的优劣,还可以用其评价不同产品或服务甚至不同企业对环境影响的相对优劣。
Abstract:Based on the method developed by Professor Steen, combining with life cycle assessment and life cycle cost analysis methodologies and applying GaBi software developed by Germany PE Company, referencing to the case studies carried out by professor Steen and GUY SKANTZE, the eco-efficiencies of the two papermaking wastewater treatment systems in a papermaking company in Suzhou were calculated and compared by a LCC/LCA ratio. The difference between the two systems was that ultrafiltration apparatus was installed in the new wastewater treatment system. The results showed that the eco-efficiencies of the two systems were 90.18% and 92.47% respectively, which indicated that the ultrafiltration apparatus could reduce environmental impact and decrease environmental load in the wastewater treatment process.The measuring method of eco-efficiency discussed in this paper was not only fit for estimating the environmental influence of different technologies, but also for different products and services and even for different businesses.
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