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多孔硅酸钙作为造纸功能性填料的助留作用研究 |
Application of Porous Calcium Silicate as Retention Aid and the Mechanism Analysis |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2014.09.001 |
关键词: 多孔硅酸钙 助留 松厚度 机理 |
Key Words:porous calcium silicate retention aid bulk mechanism |
基金项目:本项目受内蒙古自治区重大自然基金项目资助(项目编号:2012ZD0F)。 |
摘要点击次数: 5587 |
全文下载次数: 2080 |
摘要:从高铝粉煤灰中提取的多孔硅酸钙具有质轻、堆积体积大、孔隙率高及吸附性强的特性。本实验对多孔硅酸钙作为造纸功能性填料的助留作用进行研究。结果表明,在满足纸张强度性能的前提下,多孔硅酸钙替代纸浆用量50 kg/t、滑石粉用量及其他助剂用量不变时,纸张灰分从使用多孔硅酸钙前的22.0%增加至29.7%,增加了7.7个百分点,这说明多孔硅酸钙不仅能作为填料替代部分纤维,同时也促使滑石粉的留着率得到提高,使每吨纸可节省纤维77 kg。多孔硅酸钙粒子所展现出的孔隙效应、羟基效应、纳米效应的叠加效果是导致其具有显著吸附性能和助留功能的重要原因。 |
Abstract:The porous calcium silicate prepared from fly ash has characteristics of lower density (true density 1.1~1.3 g/cm3), higher bulk volume (bulk density 0.17~0.3 g/cm3), higher porosity (specific surface area 160~400 m2/g) and strong adsorption capacity. Research results showed that ash content of the paper increased from original 22.0% to 29.7% when the talc was used as the filler and the dosage of 5% of porous calcium silicate was added, indicating that porous calcium silicate was able to improve the retention of talc significantly. In addition, the study also showed that pore-effect, hydroxyl effect and nano-effect of the porous calcium silicate appeared in papermaking system were the main reasons leading to significant adsorption and retention functions. |
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