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白泥碳酸钙特性及其加填纸AKD施胶效率研究 |
AKD Sizing Efficiency of Paper Filled with Causticizing Calcium Carbonate |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2014.09.002 |
关键词: 白泥碳酸钙 施胶效率 AKD 填料 |
Key Words:causticizing calcium carbonate sizing efficiency AKD filler |
基金项目:本课题得到“十二五”国家科技支撑项目(2012BAD23B0201)、陕西科技大学研究基金(BJ12-16)及陕西省科技厅重点实验室项目的资助。 |
摘要点击次数: 6012 |
全文下载次数: 1613 |
摘要:探讨了作为填料的白泥碳酸钙(CCC)的晶型结构及不同晶型结构CCC加填对AKD施胶效率的影响原因及机理。实验结果表明,在灰分基本相当的情况下,具有规则晶型(纺锤状和针状)结构的CCC加填纸的AKD施胶效率明显优于不规则晶型结构的CCC加填纸;不规则晶型结构的CCC的比表面积和孔体积较大,其对AKD的吸附量高,而规则晶型结构的CCC的比表面积和孔体积较小,其对AKD的吸附量较低,AKD施胶效率较高。 |
Abstract:Causticizing calcium carbonate (CCC) known as white clay, can be used to replace precipitated calcium carbonate(PCC) as paper filler, which is of benefit to save resources and prevent secondary pollution. However, compared with the PCC, CCC can deteriorate the sizing efficiency of alkyl ketene dimer(AKD), thereby the application of the CCC was limited. This paper studied the reason of lower sizing efficiency of AKD when CCC was used as a filler. The results showed that the greater amounts of AKD adsorbed by CCC caused the lower AKD sizing efficiency. The irregular CCC with higher BET surface area and BJH pore volume resulted in higher adsorption. On the contrary, the spindle like or needle like CCC had lower BET surface area and BJH pore volume, and its adsorption amount of AKD was low, so the AKD sizing efficiency in the paper filled with those CCC was higher. |
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