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布袋除尘技术在干法备料的应用 |
A New Dedusting Technology Used in Dry Straw Materials Preparation of a Paper Mill |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2014.10.017 |
关键词: 干法备料 除尘 布袋除尘器 |
Key Words:dry straw materials dust remaval bag-type dust remover |
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摘要点击次数: 5194 |
全文下载次数: 1519 |
摘要:介绍了营口造纸厂采用布袋除尘技术对芦苇制浆干法备料进行除尘及布袋除尘器在使用中应注意的问题。生产实践表明,采用布袋除尘器后,除尘效果很好,净化了生产车间的环境,从根本上改善了工人的劳动条件和厂区环境,彻底解决了造纸厂的灰尘污染问题,并取得了一定的经济效益。 |
Abstract:A mill’s experience of using bag-type dust remover to upgrade the dedusting system of dry straw materials preparation was introduced. The application of bag-type dust remover could collect the dust then use it as fuel for boiler to generate steam, in the meanwhile creat the cleaner production environment. |
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