Characteristics of Effluent Organic Matter (EfOM) in Biological Effluent of Pulp and Paper Wastewater and Removal Behavior of EfOM by Fenton Process
关键词:  制浆造纸废水  EfOM  Fenton处理  有机物去除行为
Key Words:pulp and paper effluent  EfOM  Fenton process  removal behavior of organics
陈永利1 1.广西大学化学化工学院,广西南宁,530004 
刘 杨2 2. 广西大学轻工与食品工程学院,广西南宁,530004 
王双飞2,* 2. 广西大学轻工与食品工程学院,广西南宁,530004 
宋海农3 3. 广西博世科环保科技股份有限公司,广西南宁,530007 
陈 楠3 3. 广西博世科环保科技股份有限公司,广西南宁,530007 
周永信3 3. 广西博世科环保科技股份有限公司,广西南宁,530007 
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摘要:研究了制浆造纸废水生化出水中有机物(EfOM)的组成和特性,探讨了EfOM在Fenton深度处理中的去除行为。结果表明,EfOM主要为疏水性物质,其中疏水酸的CODCr和UV254表征含量分别为64%、53%,占比例最少的为弱疏水物质,分别为7%和10%;EfOM主要为表观分子质量大于10000的物质。采用Fenton深度处理法可有效去除EfOM,当H2O2用量为0.5 Qth,初始pH值为3, H2O2与Fe2+物质的量比为5∶1,反应时间为20 min时,出水可达到GB3544—2008制浆造纸工业水污染物排放标准的要求。 Fenton出水中疏水酸含量最高,其次为亲水物质;分子质量大的有机物被有效去除,出水中主要为分子质量小于3000的有机物,占60%左右。
Abstract:In this paper the composition and properties of EfOM in biological effluent of pulp and paper wastewater and the removal behavior of EfOM by Fenton process were studied. Results showed that hydrophobic organic fractions predominated in EfOM, especially hydrophobic acid, its CODCr and UV254 were 64% and 53%, respectively. The EfOM mainly contained the substances with apparent molecular weight (AMW) higher than 10000. EfOM was effectively removed by Fenton process. The recommended dosage was 0.5 Qth, pH was 3, [H2O2]∶[Fe2+] was 5∶1, and the reaction time was 20 min, the effluent of Fenton process could meet the discharge requirement of the regulation. The main organic matter of effluent of Fenton process was hydrophobic acid, the next was hydrophilic matters, the organic matters with high molecular weight were removed effectively, about 60% of organic matters of the effluent were with AMW lower than 3000.
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