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盘磨机的碰盘及其预防措施 |
Plate Collision of Disc Refiner and Its Prevention |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2014.11.008 |
关键词: 盘磨机 磨片 碰盘 预防 |
Key Words:disc refiner refiner plate clash prevention |
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摘要点击次数: 6127 |
全文下载次数: 1763 |
摘要:盘磨机碰盘会加速磨片的磨损,甚至导致设备损坏,预防碰盘对于盘磨机的正常运行十分重要。本文在分析盘磨机碰盘产生原因的基础上,提出了预防碰盘的措施,即提高盘磨机主轴系统刚度,采用现场动平衡保证转盘的平衡品质,控制主轴热变形,采用轴承间隙自动调整和防碰盘自动控制系统。 |
Abstract:Plate collision in disc refiner can accelerate plate wear, and even cause the equipment damage. Base on analysis of the reasons of refiner plate collision, prevention measures of refiner plate collision were put forward in this paper. They were increasing spindle rigidity of disc refiner, ensuring rotor balance quality by field balancing, controlling the spindle heat deformation, applying automatic adjustment of bearing clearance and automatic control system of plate collision clash prevention. Preventing plate is very important for normal running of disc refiner. |
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