The Applications of Bioactive Nitrogen (Super Nitro) in Paper Industry Wastewater Treatment
关键词:  生物活性氮(SN)  尿素  逐步替代  活性污泥法
Key Words:super nitro  urea  gradually replace  activated sludge process
肖 鹏 普罗生物技术(上海)有限公司,上海201201 
孙胤轶 普罗生物技术(上海)有限公司,上海201201 
朱友良 普罗生物技术(上海)有限公司,上海201201 
江淦福 普罗生物技术(上海)有限公司,上海201201 
胡 冲 普罗生物技术(上海)有限公司,上海201201 
摘要点击次数: 5155
全文下载次数: 2054
摘要:生物活性氮(Super Nitro,简称SN)是一种液态氮源,属于生理肥料新产品,本实验用SN替代传统氮源尿素,在制浆造纸工业废水处理系统中作为氮营养,当SN用量仅为原尿素用量的1/3(以尿素质量计)时,废水中CODCr去除效果良好,二沉池出水氨氮浓度达到排放标准,SV30波动不大。通过生物相观察发现,投加SN时,活性污泥菌胶团比较密实,无丝状菌,能够观察到轮虫、钟虫和楯纤虫等表明水质良好的原后生动物。
Abstract:There are many problems such as single nutrition, lack of nitrogen and phosphorus nutrition in many industrial waste water treatment process. Bioactive nitrogen (super nitro) is a kind of liquid nitrogen source, can be the safe and efficient alternative of traditional nitrogen source: urea, normally the replacement ratio is one-third(on the weight of urea). Using super nitro as nitrogen source in paper wastewater treatment system, CODCr removal efficiency is good, ammonia nitrogen content in effluent is lower than the limit value of the regulation, SV30 is no obvious fluctuation. Microscope observations found that activated sludge zoogloea was more dense without filamentous fungi, but there were some rotifers, clock bug and projecting fiber which indicated good water quality after using the super nitro.
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