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造纸无机粉体材料市场概况及开发应用进展(续) |
Paper Fillers and Pigments Market and Its New Product Development and Applicatio(Continuous) |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2014.12.012 |
关键词: 造纸 无机粉体材料 消费现状 发展方向 |
Key Words:papermaking inorganic powder materials consumption status development direction |
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摘要点击次数: 5394 |
全文下载次数: 2782 |
摘要:分析了碳酸钙、滑石粉、高岭土等传统工业无机粉体材料,以及其他合成无机粉体材料在造纸领域的市场消费现状;介绍了新技术和产品的开发应用进展概况。虽然2012年造纸无机粉体材料消费量达到961.7万t的历史最高水平,但伴随世界经济的衰退、造纸业步入艰难的战略转型期,其市场消费量在未来几年将进入缓慢增长时代。充分利用中国非金属矿产资源的优势,合理利用大宗工业固体废弃物,开发新型造纸无机粉体材料的制造与应用技术,采用现代生产技术提升传统造纸无机粉体材料品质,成为今后的发展方向。 |
Abstract:This paper analyzed the application and consumption of traditional minerals such as calcium carbonate, talc, kaolin powder materials, and other inorganic power materials in paper industry, introduced the progress of R&D and application of new technologies and products. Although the inorganic powder material consumption in China was 9.617 million tons, which reached its historical peak, paper industry has entered its strategic transfer period. It was estimated that market consumption would enter the era of slow growth in the next few years. Making full use of the advantages of Chinese non-metallic mineral resources, rational utilization of industrial solid waste, developing preparation and application technologies of new inorganic power material, and improving the quality of traditional papermaking inorganic power materials by using modern producing technology are among the most important things that will influence the future paper industry development. |
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