Study on Reducing Calcification Risk of Anaerobic Granular Sludge in Waste Water Treatment in a Recycled Papermill
关键词:  废纸造纸  白水封闭循环  颗粒污泥  钙化  硬度
Key Words:waste paper papermaking  white water closed circulation  granular sludge  calcification remove  hardness
薛方勤1 1.北京国环清华环境工程设计研究院有限公司,北京,100084 
孙振亮1,3 1.北京国环清华环境工程设计研究院有限公司,北京,1000843.无锡丰陆环保科技有限公司,江苏无锡,214213 
钱明1,4 1.北京国环清华环境工程设计研究院有限公司,北京,1000844.苏州清泽环境技术有限公司,江苏苏州,215131 
付宏祥1 1.北京国环清华环境工程设计研究院有限公司,北京,100084 
赵雪峰1,2 1.北京国环清华环境工程设计研究院有限公司,北京,1000842.清华大学环境学院,北京,100084 
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摘要:江苏省某纸业公司是以废纸为原料的大型造纸企业,废水处理采用初沉、厌氧(IC和EGSB反应器)、好氧、化学混凝等常规工艺。该公司造纸机白水封闭循环水平高,吨纸水耗低于10 t,显著低于国内同类型企业的平均水平;由于废纸原料来源复杂,钙质添加剂较多,废水中钙离子浓度高,因此废水厌氧系统颗粒污泥钙化问题十分突出。为解决高钙废水颗粒污泥钙化突出的问题,本试验采用适度加药的方法抑制颗粒污泥钙化的趋势,降低企业运行成本,保持厌氧系统稳定运行。
Abstract:A process of primary sedirmentation , anaerobic treatment (IC and UASB), aerobic treatment and chemical coagulation was used for effluent treatment in a recycled paper mill in Jiangsu Province. Water consumption of the mill is below 10t/t product due to its white water is recycling in a rather closure circulation. The high content of calcium from the raw material led to high calcium ion concentration in the waste water. Therefore, the calcification of anaerobic granular sludge was serious in this mill. In this paper, a moderate reduction of hardness method of waste water was adopted to reduce the hazard of calcification of anaerobic granular sludge. Furthermore, the anaerobic process would be operated stably and the cost of replacement of granular sludge would be reduced.
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