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100%OCC生产的箱纸板碳足迹评价 |
Carbon Footprint Assessment of Linerboard Produced with 100% OCC |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2015.03.005 |
关键词: 箱纸板 碳足迹 温室气体排放 |
Key Words:linerboard carbon footprint GHG emissions |
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摘要点击次数: 7533 |
全文下载次数: 1787 |
摘要:依据PAS 2050 商品和服务全生命周期的温室气体(GHG)排放评价规范及欧洲造纸工业联合会(CEPI)纸和纸板碳足迹评价框架文件,以“摇篮-到-大门”的方法对100%OCC生产的箱纸板碳足迹进行了评价。结果表明,生产1000 kg箱纸板排放的温室气体为1798.2 kgCO2e,产品碳存储为-41.4 kgCO2e,其中抄纸过程是主要排放过程,占GHG排放量的61.7%,排放源主要来自电力和蒸汽的消耗。因此造纸工业提高能源利用效率、降低单位产品能耗是推行低碳造纸的必由之路。 |
Abstract:This paper assessed GHG emissions of the linerboard produced with 100% OCC from cradle-to-gate based on PAS 2050, the carbon footprint per ton of linerboard was 1798.2 kgCO2e, the carbon storage in products was-41.4 kgCO2e. The papermaking process created the main part of the emissions, which released 61.7% of the GHG emissions. The source of GHG emissions was mainly from the consumption of electricity and steam. The way to implement low carbon papermaking industry is to improve energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption. |
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