Friction and Wear Properties of Paper-based Friction Materials
关键词:  摩擦磨损性能  酚醛树脂  热压成型压力  丁腈胶乳
Key Words:friction and wear properties  phenolic resin  hot pressing molding pressure  nitrile rubber latex
王贝贝 陕西科技大学陕西省造纸技术及特种纸品开发重点实验室,陕西西安,710021 
陆赵情 陕西科技大学陕西省造纸技术及特种纸品开发重点实验室,陕西西安,710021 
陈杰 陕西科技大学陕西省造纸技术及特种纸品开发重点实验室,陕西西安,710021 
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摘要:以丁腈胶乳预浸渍、酚醛树脂浸渍纸基摩擦材料,然后再热压成型。研究了酚醛树脂浸渍量、热压成型压力和预浸渍丁腈胶乳对纸基摩擦材料摩擦磨损性能的影响。结果表明,当酚醛树脂浸渍量为24%时,动摩擦因数稳定,摩擦性能稳定,磨损率较低;当热压成型压力为15 MPa时,摩擦材料的结构紧密,孔隙率约为40%,符合国家标准的要求;预浸渍丁腈胶乳提高了酚醛树脂浸渍摩擦材料的摩擦磨损性能以及摩擦性能的稳定性。
Abstract:In this experiment, paper based friction material was manufactured by using phenolic resin to impregnate the nitrile rubber latex prepreg papers, then by hot pressing molding. The influence of the amount of phenolic resin impregnated, hot pressing molding pressure and prepreg nitrile latex on the friction and wear performance of paper-based friction material was investigated. Experimental results showed that when the amount of phenolic resin impregnated was 24%, stable dynamic friction coefficient and stable friction performance, the low wear rate were achieved. When hot-pressing molding pressure was 15 MPa, the structure of the friction materials was dense, porosity was about 40%, which was in line with the requirements of national standards. Prepreg rubber nitrile latex improved friction and wear properties, and the stability of the friction performance of phenolic resin impregnated friction materials.
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