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606型锥形除渣器的改进 |
The New Design of Low Consistency Centrifugal Cleaner |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2015.03.015 |
关键词: 低浓锥形除渣器 伞形强离心扩散器 净化 |
Key Words:low consistency centrifugal cleaner umbrella centrifugal diffuser cleaning |
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摘要点击次数: 6621 |
全文下载次数: 1804 |
摘要:针对传统606型锥形除渣器处理废纸时的缺陷,设计了低浓强离心锥形除渣器,在除渣器上圆锥体部位内的出浆管未端装置伞形强离心扩散器,而在下体设除渣罐承接上圆锥体一次除渣流下的粗浆杂物继续分离除渣,适应了当前废纸除渣的实际需要,取得了良好的除渣效果。 |
Abstract:In order to improve the performance of the conventional 606 type low consistency centrifugal cleaner using in wastepaper pulp treatment, the author designed a new low consistency centrifugal cleaner with conical vessel and high centrifugal force. The new design included a umbrella centrifugal diffuser at the end of outlet pipe of accepted stock in the upper conical vessel, and a jar at the bottom part where the rejects were further cleaned. The goal cleaning efficiency of the new cleaner was verified when it was used in wastepaper pulp treatment. |
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