Preparation of Water Soluble Essence Microcapsule Used in Paper
关键词:  界面聚合法  聚酰胺  水溶性香精  微胶囊
Key Words:interfacial polymerization  polyamide  water soluble essence  microcapsule
冯喜庆 东北林业大学,黑龙江哈尔滨150040 
刘文波* 东北林业大学,黑龙江哈尔滨150040 
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摘要:以对苯二甲酰氯和乙二胺为反应单体,以生梨香精为包覆芯材,通过界面聚合法制备出生梨香精聚酰胺微胶囊。实验确定乳化剂用量、乳化搅拌速率、芯壁摩尔比、pH值等为主要影响因素,探讨了水溶性芯材微胶囊的合成工艺和条件。通过光学显微镜、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、热重分析等分析方法和手段,对微胶囊制备过程和性能进行检测。结果表明,生梨香精微胶囊的最佳制备条件为:乳化剂用量2.0%,乳化搅拌速率2000 r/min,pH值8~9,芯壁摩尔比1∶1。在该实验条件下,乳化效果良好、乳化液性能稳定、粒度均匀、通过Motic Images 2000测量软件检测得出,乳化液平均乳化粒径为1.8 μm;SEM分析表明,微胶囊多数呈球形结构、平均粒径为 2 μm左右;热重分析表明,反应生成聚酰胺对芯材有较好的包覆效果,壁材聚合物性能比较稳定,当温度达到420℃时开始分解。
Abstract:Polyamide microcapsule was synthesized by interfacial polymerization using terephthaloyl chloride and ethylenediamine as monomers, pear essenceas core. The microcapsule was analyzed by optical microscope, SEM and TGA, and the effects of emulsifier dosages, stirring speed, core/ wall molar ratio and pH value on the quality and properties of microcapsules were studied. The results indicated that, the best preparation conditions for microcapsule: dosage of emulsifier 2%, the stirring speed 2000 r/min, pH=8~9, core /wall ratio 1∶1. Under this condition emulsification effect was good, the emulsion had good stability and uniform particle size, average emulsion particle size was 1.8 μm easured by Motic Images 2000. SEM analysis showed that of most of synthetic microcapsules had spherical structure, the average particle size was about 2 μm; TGA analysis showed that the synthetic polyamide had good covering effect on the core material of the performancewall polymer was stable, it began to break down when temperature reached to 420℃.
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