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研磨方式对硅灰石填料颗粒形态及加填性能的影响 |
Comparison of Filling Performance of Wollastonite Filler Processed by Raymond Mill and Ball Mill |
收稿日期: |
DOI:10.11980/j.issn.0254-508X.2015.04.015 |
关键词: 硅灰石 雷蒙磨 球磨机 加填性能 |
Key Words:wollastonite raymond mill ball mill filling performance |
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摘要:分别采用雷蒙磨和球磨机研磨制备硅灰石造纸填料。实验结果表明,采用雷蒙磨研磨制备的硅灰石填料主要呈短纤维状,采用球磨机研磨制备的硅灰石填料主要呈不规则颗粒状。不同研磨方式制备的硅灰石填料在造纸中的加填结果表明,与球磨机研磨制备的硅灰石填料加填效果相比,雷蒙磨研磨制备的填料对硅灰石晶簇的保留较好,加填纸的松厚度、挺度较好,灰分和留着率较高,而耐破度和抗张强度基本一致。 |
Abstract:This paper discussed the filling performance of wollastonite filler processed by Raymond mill and ball mill.The difference of particle morphological characteristics of two kinds of wollastonite particle processed by Raymond mill and ball mill was studied. The results indicated that retention of the filler processed by Raymond mill was better, the buck and stiffness properties of the paper filled with the filler processed by Raymond mill were higher and the crystal cluster had better reservationin that filler. |
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